Tag Archives: mastsurfboards

wrapping up… looking forward

Well the Feb/Mar trip was really good. Completed all my orders, and few for Bird’s Surf Shed. Special thanks to the Gordons and the amazing crew at Custom Surf Glass/G&S for making me look good. Also thanks to Bird’s Surf Shed, Stunning Foil, Greg Surf Company, Mitsven, and everyone else who continue to have faith in my shapes, and make it all possible.

We also got a good start on making our little vessel Wren our own. So more frequent trips are in the offing.

Looking forward to our next trip, likely May/June. I’ve got my order list started already, and also have lined up with Fins Unlimited to have fins produced.

Hope to see you in the lineup…

#mastsurfboards #mastskateboards #hillbillyhobo

beach or mountains? both (and prairie, and desert, the city, and…)

Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why?

Both! My wife Karen and I have spent years massaging our life to include time in both the mountains and the beach. While not exactly the yin and yang of geography, each provides different nourishment for our souls and bodies. Admittedly, Karen favors the mountains to some extent, myself the beach, but we both would hate to have to choose one or the other, and each of us could likely be happy in either. But why choose when you don’t have to. Our modified hobo existence allows for both! And just as importantly, we are blessed with a solid home base to return to when we just need to settle in, and be able to walk to our favorite coffee shop, do some baking or herbal magic for friends, and get to our yoga classes at the Y. Fortunate indeed

Holly, CO

and we’re here…

sidewalk surfer out for delivery

Well we have made it to San Diego. Thank you to all the family and friends along the way for making it such a great trip so far.

Stopped by Mitch’s North on the way down to Custom Surf Glass/G&S, where I’ll be spending my time shaping. It’s a great feeling, knowing all of the good folks who help make it all happen. I am grateful to them all…

ramping up…

Well, my next work trip is shaping up (pun intended) for May ’23. The new (to us) Vanagon is being massaged and readied. Orders are starting to pile up, and Karen and I are beginning to get excited.

If you are interested in a mast surfboards shape, please contact me at knsmast@gmail.com

Have a good one, and stay well. #mastsurfboards

home sweet home

Well after a wonderful month working at Avalon, delivering boards and putting about two thousand miles on the blue bus, Karen and I are back in Newport/Covington/Cincinnati enjoying our life here. First stop was Dixie Chili, our local chili parlor. Next stop Dee Felice Cafe, where I’m enjoying the band and waiting for my baby to be off.

