I’m leavin’ on a jet plane…

Can’t wait to get to SD for my next trip. Three glorious weeks of shaping, tattooing and visiting. It goes without saying that I plan on getting in the water every single chance I get. I’m assuming the weather will turn perfect as soon as I arrive. I look forward to seeing you all.

Avalon is booked and I am shaping every other day to fill orders and build up my stock again. I’ve got a couple HPH’s at the factory waiting for pick up, going to Surfindian in PB. Thanks to everyone who has purchased one of my boards. I really appreciate the support. Hope you enjoy them thoroughly.

Looks like I’ll be doing a show at Corduroy in Portland Maine in the spring. We’re ironing out details now. I look forward to some East coast water time. I’ve had only a small taste and it left me hungry for more. Thanks to Tyler and James for the continued association.

quote of the season

William Rivers Pitt:

“Before Santa and presents and shopping and all the attendant Christmas (stuff) got involved, this holiday was enshrined to commemorate a guy who got nailed to a tree for daring to tell people to be kind to one another. If you have two cloaks, He said, give one away. Remember those who have less than you, be charitable, be good, be merciful.”

Never thought it would happen to me!

Scammed by a roof and chimney contractor! Paid a deposit and after a few days of phone tag nothing until we went to the police. Then a call and a promise of repayment, but no love yet, See my new blog www.Martyhillroofripoff.wordpress.com for details.

This guy is my new hobby until I get my money back or he gets prosecuted. You could say I’m a little upset.