looking toward winter 2023/24

Well things are shaping up for February and March. Boards from my fall ‘23 trip are all complete, and heading to their respective shops. In February I should have the time to shape for local stock and do customs for some folks. Please message me if you would like to be on the list.

I have also been making some hand shaped sidewalk surfers during my time here in the Midwest. These little suckers take some real time to produce, but sourcing local hardwood and shaping them has given me something rewarding to pursue while here, and skating them around the neighborhood does an old skater’s soul good. All of them so far are spoken for, but hopefully I’ll get a few more together soon.

#customsurfglass #birdssurfshed #gregsurfcompany #stunningfoil #siedwalksurfer #sandiegohandshaper #handshapedskateboard #mastsurfboards #hullsurfboard #hillbillyhull #HPH

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